breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical intervention that aims to enlarge the size of the breast and fill it up to obtain the desired shape and size by placing natural materials called fillers or implants made of silicone under the breast tissue.

Breast augmentation surgery has become one of the common surgeries at the present time, as some factors such as pregnancy, lactation, advancing age, and incomplete breast development may contribute to the breast not taking an adequate size. Therefore, breast augmentation is a surgical intervention aimed at enlarging the size of the breast and filling it up to obtain the desired shape and size by placing natural materials called fillers or implants made of silicone under the breast tissue.

Reasons to undergo breast augmentation

Women resort to breast augmentation operations, whether cosmetically to give a better appearance to their breasts, or in medical cases such as post-mastectomy cases as a result of cancer. breasts as a result of cancer or deformities, for example.

Pre-operation instructions

A medical evaluation must be done before undergoing the operation. In cases that require precaution of risk or cases over 40 years old, radiography and ultrasound examination of the breast should be submitted.

The appropriate age for the operation

It is possible to undergo breast augmentation at the age of 18 years after the completion of breast tissue growth; The operation can also be performed for cases over fifty years old, if the patient is in good health. The operation can also be performed in some cases at an early age with the consent of the parents in the event that the breasts are not represented due to the excessive growth of one breast more than the second, which may pose serious psychological problems for the patient.

Methods of performing the operation

The implant used in breast surgery is placed using four different techniques. the padding is inserted from the nipple; from the breast fold; From an opening of 3-4 cm under the armpit or from the navel

Types of breast fillers

The types of fillings are divided into two main types, which are the round model and the anatomical model (teardrop shape). The teardrop shape gives a natural appearance to the breast, as it contributes to filling the nipple and the breast underneath. This type of filler is preferred when the breast tissue is scarce and weak. These gaskets are produced in combinations of different width, length and height. When choosing implants for breast augmentation; The shape of the breast is taken into account; the structure of the chest; The patient’s height, weight and body measurements. In respect of these physiological criteria, the shape and size of the filler are chosen by the surgeon and the patient. During the procedure, the surgeon places a test implant to evaluate the shape one last time before placing the final filling. in some cases; Fillings of smaller or larger sizes are tested for the chosen filling to place the final filling, which gives the best result.

Method and duration of anesthesia

The surgeries are performed under general anesthesia in a hospital environment. The duration of the operation is between 1.5 and 3 hours, depending on the technique and scope of the operation. At the end of the operation, breast pads are applied and special bras are used to control pain and swelling. It is possible to stand and walk after a few hours of the operation. The patient remains overnight in the hospital under medical observation to closely monitor the occurrence of any potential complications.

recovery period

After the operation ; Pain can be controlled with medication. The pain disappears on the first or second day after the operation. The effects of the operation decrease with the passage of time and become invisible after 6 months to a year after the operation. The swelling and discoloration in the breast will disappear a few days after the operation. In the first week following the operation; Swelling and tightening can occur in the breast, which disappears with time as the breast takes its original size with fillers.

It is possible to take a shower and return to work after 3-5 days after the operation. The condition is tracked 1-3-6 months after the operation, and bandages and ointments can be used to mitigate the effects of the operation, which heal and take the color of the skin after about a year.