Operation - Lifting the arms and buttocks
The goal of arm plastic surgery, known worldwide as (Armlift) or (Brachioplasty), is to remove excess skin and fat in the arm, which accumulate with age, or as a result of losing a large amount of weight. The shape of the arm relates to the amount of muscle tissue (biceps and triceps), the amount of fatty tissue under the skin, and the degree of elasticity of the skin that surrounds it. The excess fat that accumulates in the arm makes the arm look flabby and the skin looks droopy. The goal of surgery is to treat this condition. Sometimes, in the process of lifting the arms, the surgeon also suctions specific fats from the arm.
Reasons to perform this operation?
Arm lift surgery is performed for cosmetic purposes, and usually there is no medical necessity to perform this operation, but patients resort to arm plastic surgery to enhance their self-confidence. Improving the external appearance of the body is the main reason why people undergo cosmetic surgeries and treatments of all kinds.
How is the process done?
The shoulders and arms are completely sterilized. Several small incisions are made in the back of the arm (the inner lower part of the arm). The incision is opened, the surgeon removes the excess tissue – subcutaneous fat and the skin. Usually, the surgeon does not remove large amounts of excess tissue, but rather removes an amount sufficient to make the arm look less saggy. In most cases, extensive removal of excess fatty tissue is not performed during surgery, except in cases where liposuction is performed during surgery. Finally, the skin is stretched and the surgical incisions are sutured using special stitches, and then elastic bandages/bandages are applied.
recovery phase
After arm plastic surgery, the patient remains under observation at night, and can leave the hospital after. The dressings and drain tube (if placed) are usually removed the day after the operation or a few days later. There may be bleeding in the arms, which is absorbed by the body within two weeks. Swelling may occur during the first weeks after surgery often, and this swelling gradually subsides. To relieve pain, analgesics can be used